USD to PKR – Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today – 28 February 2024

On February 28, 2024, the exchange rate for the US Dollar to Pakistani Rupee (USD to PKR), as determined by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) at the close of the business day, stands at Rs. 295.19. This rate represents the official interbank conversion rate.

How much is 1 dollar to pkr in open market?
USD to PKR – Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today – 16 September 2023

On February 28, 2024, the interbank closing exchange rate for the US Dollar to Pakistani Rupee (USD to PKR) in Pakistan, as established by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), is Rs. 295.19. It's important to note that incoming remittances are credited to customers' accounts based on this interbank rate, while outgoing transactions are charged according to open market rates.

In essence, banks buy foreign currency from customers at open market rates and sell it to customers at interbank rates.

As of January 28, 2024, the US Dollar was valued at Rs. 295.19 against the Pakistani Rupee (PKR). However, it has since decreased by Rs. 1.11, resulting in the new exchange rate of Rs. 295.19 on September 20, 2023. Below, you'll find the current US Dollar to PKR (Pakistani Rupee) exchange rate in Pakistan for February 28, 2024, along with the changes compared to the previous day.

Disclaimer: We offer daily updates for exchange rates such as Dollar to PKR, SAR to PKR, GBP to PKR, and AED to PKR in Pakistan, as provided by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). These rates are the official currency exchange rates provided by the banking regulator on a daily basis.

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